Sunday, March 24, 2019

50 years of Crusty Cruising

OK Sailors, we are just over a month away from the dates for our Spring Crusty of 2019.  That is right, it has been 50 years since Norwood Richardson sent out the first invitation to participate in what became known as the Crusty Cruise.  

The dates for our Spring 2019 Crusty are April 24th thru April 28th.  I am certain we will start with a Wednesday night dinner in Deltaville, Va. And then set sail on Thursday to begin our 50th Spring Crusty.  I feel that we should head “at a hasty pace to a destination on the York River, whereat there is the strong possibility of further reward for plausible seamanship in the form of double rations of beverages” as stated by Norwood 50 years ago.

Please get with me ASAP to inform me of your intentions with regards to making this historic Crusty Cruise upon the waters of the Chesapeake Bay.

I leave you respectfully to ponder your decision,

Captain H. Penn Burke

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