Monday, May 16, 2011

Step Three Tom White, TJ and Rick

On a recent sail from Cape Charles to Urbanna, during a lull in the wind, the Captain and Crew of the good ship Step Three took time to perform Bound For South Australia.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Another Crusty Begins

Snack Bar under sail

Tornado hits Deltaville

When I arrived Wed evening in Deltaville, I could hardly believe what I was seeing. Unbelievable damage to the town and the residents. I just had to post some photos of the devastation.

Spring Crusty 2011

Pain Killer having engine trouble. Meanwhile tom White gives a good prop cleaning

While Russell sorts out Painkillers engine trouble, Tom White cleans their prop. That should be good for a beer or 2 at the bar tonight.

Fine dining at Toby's

The Sunset Grill

Russell making his way to the rest room. Seems he got turned around. I think he was trying to recruit some new hands for Snack Bar.

Step Three coming up fast

Perry naps as Step Three over takes us.

Beautiful sail from Deltaville to Cape Charles.

Perry gets inspected

We were fortunate that we had 2 members of the Coast Guard Aux sailing with Tom White who gave several inspections to anyone who was willing to let them board their vessels. Everyone passed!

Saturday night's dinner at Aqua

Breakfast at the local drugstore

Maybe the only place in Cape Charles to get breakfast. Ride your bike or take the golf cart to Rayfield's it's well worth it. Be prepared to eat.

Perry really can ride a bike!

Five Crusty sailboats

While everyone else decides to remain in Cape Charles for a second night, Capt Charlie prepares to sail to the Mobjack Bay for Saturday night. Capt Charlie has been very busy in his retirement and wants to get some more sailing in.

Nice view of the 5 boats that sailed on this Springs crusty

Crusing around Cape Charles on a Saturday afternoon

Saturday is a day that everyone gets out and does their own thing. Larry tosses a line before heading out on Gadfly. Chuck, Penn, Bill and Russell catch lunch in town. Perry and myself hit the road on bikes.


Crabs being loaded from the boats to the trucks headed for Maryland. $30 a bushel on the dock.